Someone asked me this morning if worked as an evangelist. I think they had a rather fixed idea of what that meant (for him it was preaching on the streets of the capital if it was anything at all). But my reply was that I was an evangelist - in more ways than one.
First there's the fact that I bring the gospel to those who come to White Stone. Then there's the fact that I'm often involved in taking the gospel out into Coventry and other places... But the particular kind of evangelism that I was thinking of was my editing and writing for the Streetpaper - the evangelistic newspaper of the Jesus Army.
I wrote this for Streetpaper today. Hope you like it.
We can't reach God, however hard we try - and some religions and philosophies have tried very hard over the years.
No, the journey's going to have to be the other way round. He's going to have to come to us.
So He did. He came down. God became a man - and the name of that man is Jesus. "In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God... The Word became a human being and lived here with us" (John 1:1, 14, The Bible).
And that is the enormous difference between faith in Jesus and "religion" (whatever the brand). Religions start by telling us what to do. The Christian message starts with what God has already done.
Why did Jesus live and die and rise again? In dying for us and rising again, He bridged the gap over death into life that never ends.
This means we have been given an incredible offer. This is how Jesus described it: "Everyone who has faith in me will live, even if they die. And everyone who lives because of faith in me will never really die." (John 11:25-26, The Bible)
Are you going to take Him up on it?
really like it:)
Love pads
maybe you should invite him to your gaff for a few days so he can learn about the life as an evangalist :)
hehehe could be intresting for you lol
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