Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sound of your own face

I've been trying to include a photo of myself in the blog profile this morning. I was doing well, I thought, (given my level of ICT competence weighs in at roughly equivalent to a Victorian garden snail) and managed to upload a pic - but then I overstepped myself...

It'd be good to have my photo on the main page of my blog, I thought. So people can know it's me and all that. It's not a bad picture either. I'd shaved that morning. True my neck looks a little scrawny and chicken-like (perhaps a touch of Kermit the frog, my wife would say) and I'm apparently randomly staring off the right of the picture - but it was actually taken at the proud moment that I held my newborn son and presented him to the whole church (it's a tradition we have), so I thought it would be a good one.

But could I get it to appear on the main page? - ha! After twenty minutes of hacking through the thicket of the Blogger 'help' pages, I realised (yet again) that I didn't speak the right language. What with profiles and http and templates and uploading and flagging and blogging and bogging and slogging... I gave up: I didn't even know what the proper name for the main page of a blog is.

So, dear reader, you'll have to do without my photo, alas. I think it features in my profile now, but not on the main page, front page, display page, http web-uploaded blogarama page or whatever it's called.

Actually, the more I look at that picture, the less I like it. It's a bit like hearing the sound of your own voice: first you can't believe it's you (we know we don't sound anything like that - it must be a faulty recording) and then it sinks in that all our friends, family and even enemies continually hear that lisping, fluty, squeaky tone (or that deep, rasping, throaty grunt, but you get the point) all the time and it's us that are hearing it wrong... er, where was I? Oh yes - it's like that with photos: is my chin really that shape? Aren't my eyes squinty? Man - my wife was right about Kermit...

I'd better look into removing it. Now lets see... opposite of uploading?.. I guess that'll be downloading then..........

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